Thursday, March 3, 2011

Waiting for summer...

I can't wait for it to be summer again.. so photo adventures can be had without freezing our fingers off! Also so these lovely birds are brought back to the lake...

I love photographing them and my friends at the trail... its just so relaxing to go and chill with my buddies..


sig-nature said...

Are those the swans across from Tree house??

Either way, GREAT photos. I love the swan's wings flaring out.

And quite a moment you caught the cow in :)

Kate said...

haha nope.. but i have heard that you get yelled at if you photograph the swans on the motorola campus... so I've heard...

they are on the lake by the arts center on schaumburg road..

thanks ;)

Lizzy said...

It is nice not freezing to take a great picture when spring comes