Friday, March 11, 2011

Follow Friday!

It's Friday! You know what that means... Follow Friday!! Here are some pretty fabulous people that you should take a look at!

Paguma aka Darren does some really funny stuff along with his dog Floyd... they are very entertaining.. Floyd is a very patient dog. VERY patient!

link to the flickr

theladymargaret... Darren's wife.. also has some pretty fabulous stuff.. she just finished up a 365 and took a recent trip to China.

flickr link... here...

KatBPhotography aka Kathryn does some wicked manipulations! Check her out! I love the moodiness of all her photos.. great stuff.


Sarah Robinson does some pretty darn wonderful stuff.. she does a lot of face-as-canvas photos.. which i love!


Check them out! you won't regret it!


1 comment:

MC Schultz said...

love the last picture!