Friday, March 4, 2011

Follow Friday!!

This week I'm featuring some of my Flickr contacts of mine... I get so much inspiration from all of these lovely people!

First up is Boy_Wonder... aka Joel.. he is so crafty and uses those skills in his photography...

link to original photo can be found here...

Next up is Alibubba... aka Alison... This lovely lady wrote a wonderful article for my group project for this class.. She has so many fun photos and I love to read about her day..

link to original photo can be found here...

Ottilie is a fun photographer who always has a bunch of fun with color! I love how bubbly her work is!

link to the original can be found here...

Cynthia is such a brave woman when it comes to face-down Tuesdays! She will take photos anywhere! I love all of the neat locations she finds and the people she meets doing so..

link to the original photo can be found here..

I hope you browse through their photo streams.. they all seem to be really fun and amazing people and photographers... add them as a flickr contact!



Lizzy said...

those are pretty sweet pictures

K-Adams Foto said...

the second one and thrid are my favorets!

Unknown said...

These are so fun. I love your random rambling of posts...