Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Flickr BINGO!

So I was invited to participate in Flickr BINGO! What is Flicker Bingo you ask? A list of photo assignments is given, you then choose what numbers you want on your bingo card, create your card, and then wait for numbers to be called... when the number is called you then complete the photo assignment if it is on your card...For this group if you are the first to completely fill your card you get TWO YEARS of Flickr Pro! So I'm pretty darn excited for it! The first assignment was called yesterday and it is on my card! woo! So now I have to create a mock book cover! Which has been what I've been thinking about instead of my school work... whoops! Don't worry my school work will get done first! :)

HERE is a link to the group.. I'm pretty sure they aren't letting any newbies in until this round is done... so if you want to join in you can do so after this game is done :)

here is my bingo card!


K-Adams Foto said...

hahah now thats the coolest thing ive ever heard

Lizzy said...

That is a really interesting idea