Friday, March 18, 2011

Follow Friday!!!

It's Friday and you know what that means! FOLLOW FRIDAY!! So lets jump right into it!

Sarahlikedaffodils AKA Sarah Ann Loreth must live by this great run down building area because she is always photographing in these amazing locations! Looking at her photos really makes me want to go on a road trip to run down places to take photos. Check out her flickr stream... HERE. Her stuff is kinda dark but I really like it.

Flickr link... HERE

Kliene_Moewe is pretty darn fabulous.. she has a library that she photographs some pretty awesome self portraits in.. but in particular I really wanted to show you this shot that I love.

flickr link... HERE

Santiamén aka Viki has some really interesting photos... This was the first photo I found of hers.

flickr link...HERE.

check them out! I hope you enjoy!



J.P.D. said...

Wow, really like Sarahlikedaffodils! But you probably knew I would.

Unknown said...

I was planning on going to a laundry mat late at night and doing pictures like this. With people in the washers...

Kate said...

ooooo take me with you chelsea!!