Thursday, March 3, 2011

Kimberly Witham

When I first read about Kimberly Witham in Color Magazine I thought her work was very sad and I couldn't really understand why she chose to photograph dead animals... the work was beautiful as far execution but I just couldn't get past the dead animal part.. When I visited her website I was hooked. I finally understood what she was going for after I read her artist statement.. and I have loved her work ever since. I would like to introduce you to her work... she is definitely an inspiration.

I first saw this series of her work called Transcendence. Here are a few photos from that series...

HERE is her statement for this series...

The next series I came across is called Domestic Arrangements... here is a sampling of that series...

HERE is her statement for this series...

Check out more of her work at her website here...I hope you like her work as much as I do..


Lizzy said...

However unusual they maybe i like them.

K-Adams Foto said...

haahah i bet my bird lady teacher would like this