Sunday, February 27, 2011

A little peek of my 'bucket list'....

speaking of places I want to go.. Here's a little sneak peek of things that are on my 'bucket list'... mainly items on the list that I want to photograph as I complete them...

Visit churches with rib vaulting... as many as possible...

original photo here...

Visit England...

original photo here... sooo many pieces of art I want to see here..

Travel to Alaska to photograph the Iditarod..

original photo found here...

Travel on a tall ship for at least a week...

original photo found here...

Return to Italy...

original photo found here...


sig-nature said...

Are we talking like a pirate ship?? Because I'd be down for that if you needed a travel mate. no pun intended, sort of.

Kate said...

lol yep pirate ship! haha sounds good!

K-Adams Foto said...

traveling on a tall shit would be so cool, or atleast photographing it. :)

Lizzy said...

I love old churches like that they are so beautiful.