Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Levitation Photos

While perusing flickr I always run across these awesome levitation photos... such as

L is for Levitate by Boy_Wonder..the link can be found here.

Falling Asleep by korinrochelle.. the link can be found here.

By can be found here.

I actually attempted this too.. but I don't know how I feel about it..don't really like it.. but I'll show it... I did my levitation photo on day 286/365..

now go try your very own photo!


inmyeyes said...

Why don't you like yours? Practice makes perfect of course, but as you do I love these photos!

Allie Gravel said...

dude i wish i knew how to pull something like this off!

K-Adams Foto said...

I wana try this! you should help me out