Friday, February 25, 2011

Follow Friday!

Here are some fabulous people that you should all follow! Either their blog or flickr photo stream they are all pretty fabulous in my book! (as people and photographers) :)

Chelsea Peterson! The amazing woman who inspired me to start my very own 365.. (and cheered me on until I finished the project) She's a graphic designer but is great with a camera... follow her photo stream here! She's on year 2 of her 365 project!

Kelly Dudesek! A fabulous colleague of mine doing her very own 365! Follow her photo stream here!

Zenita Hill! Is also doing a 365 but a little differently from the first two.. no self portraits! *gasp* I know! lol but she is doing a fabulous job! Follow her blog here!

Allie Gravel! Is a crazy little lady but is good with a camera when she wants to be! :) Follow her blog here and her photostream here!

So go follow them! Because they are fabulous!



Chello said...

Thanks for the love Kate! Your blog looks amazing!

K-Adams Foto said...

i have to say Kelly Dudesek photo is awesome! :)