Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What's in your bag?

In my random flickr exploring during my 365 year (2010) and with some info from Chelsea P. I decided to do a "What's in my bag" photo. I think these photos are really fun! I like seeing what everyone carries on a day-to-day basis. Here is my version...

day 208/365... I am Mary Poppins...

here's a link to the flickr group with a bunch of photos of what's in everyone's bags!




Allie Gravel said...

i love pictures like this! WOOO!

Alicia said...

I remember this day! I like the vertical format and how it captures the magnitude of the contents of your purse... yea, you know what I mean.


K-Adams Foto said...

its to small! i cannot make ot what everything is. I think ill do that tomorrow for my photo of the day! smart idea

Kate said...

haha go for it Kels! here's a link to it on flickr.. everything has a note telling you what it is...


Ana said...

I've done several of these for flickr and every time, the photo gets more than a thousand views. It's really weird; it makes me wonder.