Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Stars...in your multitudes..scarce to be counted...filling the darkness...

so I've always been intrigued my photographs of star trails.. I think this summer when it is finally warm at night... I'm going to give it a go.. here's an example of what I'm talking about...

This photo was taken by Scott Stulberg and his website can be found here.


Allie Gravel said...

this is from stars?
i have something similar but with a tree..


Kate said...

yeah this is from multiple photos taken from the same point.. and all put together to show how the stars move..

K-Adams Foto said...

KATE!!!! I DID A PHOTO LIKE THIS! its so awesome. Im doing more this summer too if you wana join me in sitting in a feild and watching the stars! it takes many hours but its so worth it

Kate said...

let's do it! star party!! :D