Thursday, February 17, 2011

Somewhere down this road...

I'm often asked how I decided I wanted to become a photographer. The answer is simple. I fell in love with that instant gratification of taking a photo. It was just so simple when I was first starting out to take a photo and create something beautiful.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't always want to be a photographer... I had the standard veterinarian, and teacher (art of course) in the mix but then I received a gift. This gift changed my career goal of art teacher to photographer. What was this oh-so-wonderful gift you ask? It was the gift of a macro lens for my 16th birthday. This lens helped to get the shots I had envisioned. Shots my kit lens just couldn't handle.

and just because I was able to find my photobucket account which I haven't been to in years.... here is one VERY early Kate Barr photo....

Senior year: I had to decided where I was going to school. I ended up deciding that I would go to the University of Wisconsin- Whitewater and then transfer to an art school. Why Whitewater you ask? Because it was not only 10 miles away from home but also the Alma mater of my grandparents and parents. I lived in the dorms for two years while attending UWW.... which was definitely an experience in itself. I declared an Art Major my first semester and an Art History Minor my second semester. I fell in love with art history my first semester and ended up taking five art history courses in the time I attended UWW. After the third semester I remember deciding that the next would probably need to be my last before I transferred schools. And so began the research, and ultimately the decision of what school once again.

I then asked two art schools to send me information about themselves. The Wisconsin school I asked sent me a packet. The Illinois Institute of Art-Schaumburg called me the next day. If you are reading this blog you probably already know what one won by my very first post or you know me. ILIS definitely won the get-Kate-Barr-to-come-to-our-school race. And now I'm here learning more than I ever knew before and making a bunch of friends along the way. Friends that have had a great influence on me.. from completing my very own 365 project to becoming better at graphic design to appreciating the little things in life. With two and a half quarters to go I've been thinking a lot on my journey here and my journey yet to come... So I thought I would share it with all of you readers..

Have a great day!


K-Adams Foto said...

:) i like it. love leafs fall and all the above great job kate!

ReneeB said...

You have developed as a photographer and a person over those years as well. Your passion for your craft is obvious.

Unknown said...

When you first told me that you were going to go to school in IL, I have to be honest with you. My first thought was-- she'll be back in WI in no time! I am so proud of you for sticking out your passion and for staying with something you love!

Allie Gravel said...

Love the swing picture kate!

Anonymous said...

I love the swing picture also. Very simple but it speaks to me, it holds great nostalgic feeling,