Friday, February 18, 2011

He'll say to me I see who you truly are...

"The camera doesn't make a bit of difference. All of them can record what you are seeing. But, you have to SEE."-Ernst Haas

To become a photographer, it would help if you had a pair of these...

I LOVE eyes. They are not only a key part of photography because they help us decide WHAT we photograph but also HOW we photograph it. They are keys to the soul and something I always notice first when I meet someone.

A friend of mine sent me this link and I fell in love with them right away... for more of these photos click here.

Have a great day!



Anonymous said...

Me too! I have an obsession with eyes. These pictures explain a good part of it too. I love the details and flecks of color and reflected light in the eye.

K-Adams Foto said...

This is sick, i love eye shots too. check out my facebook profile pic whenyou get chance. that might be something youd like. but i so agree, everyone talks about having the best equipment and such not, but really its about how you see things that makes you great at what you take :)

Allie Gravel said...

The eyes creep me out..yikkkes.

Unknown said...

These are cool at first, and then mostly creepy. :)

inmyeyes said...

I did a project on photographing eyes in high school. I'd like to continue with it, but that will just have to stay on hold for awhile.

They are also the first thing I noticed when I meet someone. Love it.

kthibault said...

"The camera doesn't make a bit of difference. All of them can record what you are seeing. But, you have to SEE."-Ernst Haas

Love that quote.

Alicia said...

This gives a new meaning to the term "close-up." I agree with some of the other comments. Really cool at first, then once you study them, they get kinda creepy... in a cool way though. I volunteer if you ever do a shot like this!
