Thursday, February 24, 2011

100 Strangers

So I'm thinking about doing a 100 Strangers project... here is a link to one of the many flickr groups about this project.. their descriptor is better than any explanation I could write so here it is...

"Step out of your comfort zone to a new level of portrait photography. Start by taking 100 portraits of people you don't know.

The idea: The One Hundred Strangers project is a learning group for people who want to improve the social and technical skills needed for taking portraits of strangers and telling their stories. The method is learning by doing.

The project is lots of fun and improves photojournalistic skills. During the process you might expand your every day living experience - and who knows, maybe you will even get a couple of new friends during the process.

We welcome both beginner and advanced photographers. You may be new to photographing strangers or already have experience of this type of photography.

The challenge: Take 100 photographs of at least 100 people you don't know. Approach a person or group of people and ask for permission to both take a photo of them and to post it to this group. Get to know your subjects. Who are they? What is their life like?

Try to tell a small story with each photo you take. This may be a story about the person or how you felt approaching that particular individual. You may have, for example, tried a new approach or used a new photographic technique. Try to learn something from every encounter you make."

I think it could be really interesting to do.. it would definitely help me step out of my comfort zone! Who wants to start this project with me?!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would be so scared to do this... lol! Go Kate!